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Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions, Answered

"What should I wear for the session?"

-For women I will provide a clean gown with a top and bottom, and men will wear their own athletic shorts.  Clients will also provide one sheet to cover the table and one hand towel.  If you do not have a sheet that is ok and the table is cleaned after every client.

"How should I prepare for my first session?"

-Please have pets in a separate room for our session.  Cats especially love to jump on my table and carrying case with their claws and quickly cause damage.  

"What should I expect from my first session?"

-With a Neurosomatic session you will have a clear understanding of your posture and a treatment plan to bring your body into alignment.  You will experience treatment in your pain area as well as other areas that may be causing your pain.  The first session has a very thorough assessment portion and interview that can take up to 20-30 minutes depending on the client.  For this reason 90 minute sessions are recommended for the first Neurosomatic session.

"How many sessions will I need to get results?"

-Clients can expect to see significant results after only 1-2 sessions, followed by major results after 8-10 sessions.  Exact results vary depending on the client's condition and goals.

"Is a maintenance plan with on-going sessions recommended?
-Absolutely!  Once we have your body stabilized in the correct position without pain, regular maintenance is encouraged to keep your body operating smoothly and efficiently.  Monthly maintenance sessions are encouraged if possible.  With on-going care we can prevent small problems from becoming bigger problems and find anything that is falling out of balance with your structure before it becomes an issue.  Life and it's various stressors and traumas can pull our bodies out of alignment and regular maintenance is a great way to take care of you!

Still have questions?  Contact me.

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